After an awesome visit in Tulsa with the Lewis family, we were all set to head out to Branson, MO this morning. That was slightly derailed by a couple of different significant rashes that Kenzie has, and a very long visit to yet another Urgent Care. I've told her she's getting too expensive, so we'll be trading her in soon. ;->

I've also been pretty sick myself with a lovey summer cold which has moved throughout my head and has made a nice home in my throat the last couple of days. I'm hoping a couple of good nights' of sleep will help my body fight it.

Needless to say, after the visit to urgent care and then a diversion to hobby lobby (don't get me started. ;->) we were a little late getting out of Tulsa. We made it to Branson and our really nice campground, and we decided to just settle in.

Tuesday Update:

Today we visited the Titanic Museum, and played dinosaur mini golf. Then we just made our way around town and took a few pictures of the attractions. Branson is a pretty nice little town, although since school has started now, it's pretty deserted, and lots of stuff is closed up. Made for a nice quiet visit though.

Faith's blog:
Today we went to Branson, Missouri. We saw the Titanic Museum. We got to be a person that was on the Titanic. They gave us passports that gave our names. I was Amy Stanely who stayed alive. We also played mini golf. It was fun. We saw a huge moth. It was cool.

Kenzie's blog:
Yesterday we went to the Titanic Museum. The building was shaped as 1/3 of the Titanic but it was only half scale and it was HUGE! That was cool!

Then we played mini golf at a place called Dinosaur Island. There’s a fake volcano that two of the holes were in. My dad found a giant moth. It was awesome!





At January 7, 2009 at 11:18 AM Anonymous said...

Were you guys able to go to any of the other Branson attractions?


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